Sama The Partakers

Donate at Sama The Partakers

Donate at Sama The Partakers

The mission of Sama The Partakers is mainly supported by individuals, well wishers and organizations who give monthly or one-time donations.

These generous contributions allow us to continue to provide a loving home for our children at Sama The Partakers.

Thank you for your donation!


How you can help

These are some of the costs we need to cover and where you can give your contribution:

  • School material: bags, pens, books, crayons, shoes, desks, uniforms, socks, snacks/candies, sets/rulers
  • School bus: it has to cover long distances
  • Classrooms: it’s very hot and there are too many students in single classes
  • Water: borehole/well, water tanks/chlorinated
  • Kitchen: cooking, cleaning, santitation
  • Playground: playing games
  • Fence: security
  • Games: talent and material for sports
  • Sponsor a child

Every contribution is very appreciated and will be used according to the most urgent needs. You will also be able to download a receipt.

[give_form id=”515″] Please, while choosing the amount to donate, keep in mind that the 3% of it will have to cover PayPal fees.

Some photos of what you can help us supporting: donate a meal ,sponsor a child, kids drawings, our kitchen

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