Sama The Partakers


[rev_slider projects]       


   Porridge programme                                                

Everyday we provide a cup of porridge for each of the children.Our aim is to increase attendance at school,to improve their ability to learn and to help them to be healthy, because children need to be healthy to concentrate with their learning and pass their exams.The children normally line up for their porridge at break time. Volunteers can help the kids to serve their cup of nutrition porridge If wish to offer a donation to one child for a month is 10usd. Thank you for your donation to help us support our community get better education.


  Lunch meal                                                                                                                     

Sama the partekas have helped so many children in Mombasa,kenya since 2015 with food,education and good skills/manners.We wanted our kids to concentrate with their learning activities not to enroll in theft and any bad characters that may have negative effects.Lunch program  also increase the number of children in school because most schools do not offer lunch to children.There are some orphan children that have no any means of getting food,the child cant concentrate in classs  making him or her to perform poorly in exams  thats why we decided to start lunch program  to help our community.


Beads making

We have introduced bead making to our community especially the youths to reduce the usage of drugs and improve their income. Any other person who got an interest in bead making is welcomed to the projects to improve on the project we need capital to buy the materials used.You can promote us buying the beads and help a child at sama the partakers get his/her school fees. 


Building new classes

Our children normally learn in a church hall, during learning the church is divided into several classes using blackboards. This environment under which the students are learning is not conducive because the temperature around is very hot and  does not allow the student to concentrate in class. The student too are congested in the classes because of the insufficient space. The teachers too can not teach very well because the separation used to divide the classes does not prevent the noise from one class to the other.  During the raining season the rain gets into the classes because the roof leaks too much.



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